Tally Services

The primary goal of cargo tallying is to determine the number of loaded and unloaded cargo items. The need to tally cargo is dictated by the possibility of cargo theft both during its handling and transportation, as well as to reveal shortages, misgrading in shipments and etc. The cargo tallying can be carried out in a number of ways depending on a particular cargo and actual handling conditions.

The tallyman’s primary task is quantitative count of cargo. Based on the count results tally sheets are prepared. Tallyman’s receipt or tally sheet is a shipping document confirming the amount of cargo and its condition when it is loaded to a vessel or unloaded in the destination port.

The cargo accounting documents serve as the basis for the analysis of claims and complaints related to cargo shortage.

Tally sheets are primary accounting records of cargo receipt on vessel or its delivery in the destination port. That is why the accuracy of tallymen’s counting and execution of tally sheets is so important.

Despite the seeming simplicity, the tallying is quite a complex process requiring specific qualification and experience, continuous concentration and ability to resist various distracting factors. It also requires a good knowledge of technological characteristics of transshipment of various types of cargoes. Tallyman’s qualification and due care often determine the possibility to prevent heavy losses of a client.

The Port has tallymen of the required qualification on its staff. We are prepared to ensure any cargo handling operation using a team of experienced specialists.


We are always open for cooperation and new major projects. Contact us: